
Showing posts from August, 2021

[Writing] Life Experience - Out of China

[Front of All] This is a journal. I am here expressing my life and my feelings. It's very hard. I was born in China and grew up there; I finished university there and originally worked there. When I didn't know the deep of China, I loved deeply on China. At that time, I didn't know the real history of China, and the only history fact and view I got is as well from the textbooks and the Chinese social media platforms. I saw some bad things happened and happening in China, but I also think it is just a small dark part of China. I believed China would become a country better and better. I tried to do good things in China and tried to help the poor fight against the bullies. That is when I found something wrong. Doing these kinds of things are so difficult in China. If you are saying for the oppressed people, you will offend the oppressors. And mostly, the oppressors in China are CCP officers or their intimate relationships. And then, I decided to quit the software engineer job...

[Writing] Reasons and evidence that I infer COVID-19 as the biological weapon made by the Chinese Government

【Investigation Report of the US】  2020, Sep 21 THE ORIGINS OF THE COVID-19 GLOBAL PANDEMIC, INCLUDING THE ROLES OF THE CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY AND THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION 2021, Aug The Origin of COVID-19: An Investigation of the Wuhan Institute of Virology ( COVID-19起源:有关武汉病毒研究所的调查 [Chinese Version | 中文版] ) (  ) —— HOUSE FOREIGN AFFAIRS COMMITTEE REPORT MINORITY STAFF           LEAD REPUBLICAN MICHAEL T.MCCAUL           ONE HUNDRED SEVENTEENTH CONGRESS If people want to figure out the truth about the virus, the origin investigation could...

[Writing] 我的故事可多了。你聽嗎? ——人生趣事記 〔下〕

2020-2021  Writing 在2021年的春節正月初五,自己寫下了這篇文章 —— 我和2020這疫年 —— 寫給關心我的人(哪怕並不多) 前言 首先,之所以用「繁」體字,有很多理由。比如曾經的文字簡化,在那個混亂的時代下,也多多少少是拍腦袋而成的結果,大量文字卻被改變得面目全非;還有「繁」體字是這片土地記載這兩千年文化真正被使用的字形,保留了很多前人的智慧。我認證整理過大量字形的簡化方式,發現其蘊含着以潛移默化洗腦為目的政治需求。對我這個个人習慣的改變,希望可以得到些許理解。 然後,我並不知道哪些內容可能會因為「敏感」而被審核、刪除甚至是更糟的結果。所以很多內容比較「隱晦」、「含糊」、甚至經過了「反和諧處理」@_@ …… 這也是一點點生而為人卻無法擁抱 Freedom of Speech 的悲哀。 總之,這篇文章與我個人相關,也與這 或正在發生變革只是暗流涌動、或也許還依然需要積蓄勢能的時代相關。但是,總可以理解為完全私人化的東西,我希望無腦噴子們可以不要污染…… 你們可以把我當作胡言亂語的垃圾而驕傲地離開,但倘若要對話,請足夠認真、理性、有條理。 可如果你願意認真提問,我會回答你的每一個問題。一年前,離開中國平臺的時候,我用機械化的簡單方式,努力拉黑過很多人,這個拉黑並不很正式,也許僅表示很多你認可的東西,我可能認為是錯的,而便希望我們之間可以少一點接觸,尤其是在這些只容納得下一種聲音、難以討論問題的地方。 有些話能說,有些話說不出。已經確實給我帶來過不少麻煩和攻擊了。而如果想多聊一聊,可以去Telegram等平臺。一年多來,接觸了很多曾經不太容易去獲取的歷史、新聞、觀念等信息,所謂「真相」究竟是什麼,也只有在相對更加公平的地方可以討論和分享。一切事情,倘若是邏輯分明的理性者們,總是可以把真理越辯越明的。我不畏懼討論甚至是爭執,只是擔心連這樣的權力和機會都只是在越來越多地失去…… 另外,我認為 All men are created equal. 在我的理解裏,真正的「國」,理應是為更好地保護所有國民、尤其是弱者們而被建立的。而不是要弱者們為帝王將相的江山去拼搏去犧牲。真正的「義」所對應的,應該是監督、促使那些掌握、佔據大量資源的達者去兼濟天下、救助弱小,而並不應提倡弱者辛勞終生、奉獻所有。是吧? 我認可的,是下面這樣的話—— "We ...