[Writing] Life Experience - Out of China
[Front of All] This is a journal. I am here expressing my life and my feelings. It's very hard. I was born in China and grew up there; I finished university there and originally worked there. When I didn't know the deep of China, I loved deeply on China. At that time, I didn't know the real history of China, and the only history fact and view I got is as well from the textbooks and the Chinese social media platforms. I saw some bad things happened and happening in China, but I also think it is just a small dark part of China. I believed China would become a country better and better. I tried to do good things in China and tried to help the poor fight against the bullies. That is when I found something wrong. Doing these kinds of things are so difficult in China. If you are saying for the oppressed people, you will offend the oppressors. And mostly, the oppressors in China are CCP officers or their intimate relationships. And then, I decided to quit the software engineer job...